Sunday, 17 January 2016

Just a Sprinkling

Woke this morning to see everything looking picturesque with a pretty dusting of snow.

I really love how everything looks when the snow has fallen, but I don't love the chaos it causes as buses grind to halt and schools decide to close; so I'm really hoping that was it for snow this Winter. My son is hoping for more snow - enough to close school. You just can't please everyone!

Happy new year by the way. I can hardly believe that we're already halfway through January. This was my first free weekend of the year and I made the most of it by relaxing in my armchair, drinking cups of tea, catching up with my reading and looking at some of my Christmas presents.

I treated myself to 'How to be Parisian' as I've had my eye on this for quite a while; and I also treated myself to Garance Dore's new book 'Love Style Life' as I love her blog and illustrations. My sister, knowing about my addiction to gorgeous notebooks, bought me a beautiful Ted Baker journal along with some jotting pens. Can't wait to start scribbling ideas for new projects in here.

I always feel so excited at the start of a new year - all the possibilities that lay ahead. I hope to make some real progress with my embroidery and will be sure to post updates here.
