Thursday, 21 April 2016

The Inner Voice

Everybody wants to be understood and have some form of recognition or validation. There are so many voices out there clamouring for attention that the world can seem a lonely place. But we all have an inner voice that we carry in our heads and this gave me the inspiration for the third embroidery in my 'Maps' series.

I am constantly having an internal dialogue; sometimes it's helpful and encouraging, at other times destructive and brutal. Your soul as companion is an idea used to great effect in Philip Pullman's novel 'Northern Lights' with Lyra's 'Daemon'. These daemon's are a physical manifestation of the inner self in animal form - a constant friend to guard against loneliness.

This is the beginning of the embroidery-

 The full title is:-

'Walking; I hear you Talking.
 In the back of my mind; You're always there'.
The image of the figure (one I kept as a cutting from a fashion magazine when I was at college), is a representation of me, as everything in my work is. The whole concept is to tell my story, plot my life, the things that touch me, influence me, inspire me, shape me The autobiographical is literally stitched into the fabric and the influences that I pick up and absorb along the way become integrated into who I am.
I'll be posting progress reports over the next couple of weeks.
Amanda xxx


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