Thursday, 12 May 2016

Tiny Urban Garden - Bursting Into Life

With the combination of gloriously sunny weather and a few well-timed downpours we have had over the past week or so, my garden is really coming to life. Shrubs that looked like bundles of sticks a short while ago are becoming leafier by the day and the border down the side of my house has erupted into a delightful display of Bluebells complemented with the unmistakeable scent of Lavender.

The job that was top of my list to get done this year was a new fence in my front garden. There's never been a proper one, just some border edging that had fallen apart, and the garden was lacking definition. So the fence was put up last week and it looks fab, just need to put some protection on now. I have a little Willow tree here which is erupting with leaves - I think it's happier now the fence is up. I certainly am.

The Heuchera's are wearing purple with a hint of lime this season...

the flowers on the Aquilegia's are poised to open up...

and the Hydrangea is sending out lots of fresh green leaves...

Spring is just the best. Oh and I haven't forgotten about the embroidery update. That will be in my next post.

Amanda xxx

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