My embroidery work is moving along, just incredibly slowly, partly due to my brain being in holiday mode and partly because this is the nature of it. So I felt the urge to undertake something a bit more immediate, where I could see some results and shake myself up a bit: collage was the answer. It's a great way to work, using images from my files, to give myself the beginning of a new series of work.
Of the artists that use the collage technique my favourites at the moment have to be Lauren Child, Peter Blake and Blaise Drummond.
Lauren's work is used to illustrate her children's books which is fitting as it's usually as children that we first try out collage for ourselves. An ability to connect with the childlike aspect of our personalities is vital to creativity - to a child, anything is possible.
What Are You Like by Lauren Child |
It's incredibly liberating to work like this. My embroideries require a much slower process, from the sketching out of the initial work to the actual hand-stitched piece itself. Hopefully I will have something to show very soon but for now I'm very happy with my collages which may well form the basis for future work.
Amanda x